7. In the jewelery business, while closing the shop at night, it takes a lot of time to complete. This is why everyone gets late in going home. Can this be avoided?

Yes! Can be avoided!! In the jewelery business, the number of works done at the end of the day are much higher than other businesses. For example, everyday matching stocks of counters, order boxes, small disassembled jewelery items, and old gold etc., also tallying daily cash, received cheques, credit card machine reports, etc. All these works have to be done at different counters and every transaction of the day has to be checked. Due to these reasons, it takes time to close the jewelery shop. Besides that, if all these works take even a little extra time; then overall it takes a lot of time. Hence; to save this time required to close the shop, it is important to do the following things.
- Creating a well-defined method to match cashier’s cash.
- Whenever a cashier receives or gives cash, it should be recorded properly.
- After writing each cashier’s record of cash transaction, immediately write their balance in front of them.
- By doing so, in the jewelery business, the cash with respective cashier can be understood quickly and also cash related work becomes easy.
- Setting up a method to quickly know sales stock of each counter.
- After every single sale; write the balance of the jewelery items along with the sales record.
- At the end of the day, count all the jewelery items and tally them with the stock report.
- Implementing a simple process for doing the day end properly.
- At the beginning of the day, keep the prescribed amount only with the cashier.
- At the end of the day, complete the work of each department one by one.
- Checking all the small things happening during the transaction at the same time.
- Keep track of stocks and cash movements in jewelery transactions, from time to time.
- Check the discounts given to the customer or purity of old gold, while recording it self.
To do all these things, convenient methods have been given in Acme Infinity Software, which work as follows.
- To create a well-defined method to match cashier’s cash…
- Acme Infinity software has cashier module; in which, the cashier can authorize or pass each of the transaction happened.
- When cashier pays or accepts money; at the same time, by passing the related transaction, the cashier completes the record of that transaction in few seconds; which makes the job of tallying cash easier.
- The facility of doing all the cashier’s work cashier wise is provided in Infinity software. So, if any one of the available cashiers wants to go early, then he or she can be relieved easily just by tallying his or her cash.

- To set up a method to quickly know sales stock of each counter…
- In Infinity Software’s item wise stock summery report, every thing about each item like opening of the respective item, the number of items that came to the counter on that day, sold quantity from it and it’s closing quantity, is understood immediately.
- In Infinity Software, Item-wise Stock Summary Report is also available Item category-wise.
- At the time of jewellery stock checking, items can be merged. For example, if the bangles of 22 carat as well as 23 carat i.e. of both the carats are available in the shop, then their consolidated or combined quantity is readily available in Infinity software.
- The stock of the set item, the stock of the MRP item (with value), is available separately in the infinity software. Stock reports are also available location wise. In which one can go to the transaction level by drilling down at the respective location. The stock of any jewellery item of specific location is available label wise also.
- Salesman counts the stock on his counter and feed it to the computer and then software automatically tallys that stock. Then the salesmen locks himself.
- Because of all this, in the jewellery business, it is very easy for the salesman to tally the stock of the counter at the time of day end.

- To implement a simple process for doing the day end properly.
- In Infinity Software’s Day End Module; in the beginning of the day, cash can be given to the cashier and the rate for the day can be set. Then only; it is said that the day has begun in Infinity Software for that respective day.
- After this, all the transactions that happened go to the cashier for passing. And once the cashier passes the transaction, cash balance of the respective cashier increases or reduces accordingly. In Infinity Software, the Inventory Effect of all transactions are posted automatically.
- Item wise, packet wise, label wise, stock report of every counter or location is available automatically in Infinity software.
- At the day end, Salesman confirms wheather the jewellery transactions have been recorded properly or not?; then only salesman adds his/ her closing stock and thereafter the salesman is locked first. Similarly, the cashier is also locked by adding its cash balance. In this way, the branch is closed systematically.
- All of this work, in Infinity software, is done with authorization/ auditing methods; so that small mistakes are avoided. Passing of all small transactions happened throughout the day is done at the day end.
- With all these features of Acme Infinity Software, in the jewellery business, the day end process not only becomes simple and smooth but also it is completed in lesser time.

- To check all the small things happening during the transaction at the same time
- In the jewelery business, whatever transaction occurs, it is passed immediately through Infinity Software. For example, instead of checking full day’s discounted bills of the counters, at the end of the day, they are made available for passing immediately after the discount is given on the counter. And unless and until it is passed by the owner or manager, the bill can not be printed.
- These discounts are also available for passing on infinity software’s owners mobile app. So it is not necessary that shop owner should always present in the shop.
- With such methodology; through Infinity Software, the veracity of that transaction during dealing itself or whether the transaction is done correctly or not, is checked. Thus it reduces the number of works to be done at a time, at the end of the day and saves time.

Thus, with the essential features for jewelery business, like cashier module, salesman
locking, salesmen stock taking, in addition easy and smooth day end processes and frequent authorization or passing facilities; available in Acme Infinity’s ERP Software, at the end of the day by doing the accurate accounting of the cash, the OldGold, the order stock, the counter stock, the delivery of small disassembled jewelry items, cheques given, credits given, discounts and credit cards; in the shortest possible time, it is possible to go home early
Finally… it’s important to reach home early! Right?
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